Urinary Incontinence is the Involuntary loss of urine either due to stress (leaking when coughing, straining, sneezing), increased urge to urinate or overflow of urine is called incontinence of urine.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, Menopause contribute to this condition, weak bladder, overactive bladder muscles and nerve damage are the causes of Urinary Incontinence.

To diagnose Urinary Incontinence the urologist will perform a physical examination, ultrasound and test include urine analysis, cystoscopy, and bladder stress test.


Treatment includes behavioral therapies to eliminate stress incontinence. The urologist will recommend performing pelvic muscle exercise called kegel exercise, dietary and lifestyle changes to eliminate incontinence. vaginal pessary and urethral stents advised for preventing leaking.

Surgery Management:

Injectable Bulking Agent / Injection Deflux:
A biodegradable and sterile implant called deflux implant is injected on the upper portion of the urethra into the bladder wall and create the bulge which will, in fact, reduces the size of the opening.

BipolarTransobturator Tape (TOT) Sling Procedure

It is a common and minimally invasive procedure performed under spinal anesthesia by placing a synthetic mesh or sling under the mid portion of urethra/bladder neck via the vagina and making a small incision on the abdomen then the urologist uses the cystoscope to make sure the bladder and urethra are intact.

Tension-Free Vaginal Tape/ Retropubic Method

The urologist performs this procedure by making a small cut via the vagina under the urethra and by making two tiny cuts on the pubic bone then using a needle from the tiny holes to put a sling under the urethra and behind the pubic bone.